Workshops & Retreats

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Silva Method testimonial

I found the Silva Method programme a life changing experience; it has helped me immensely with reducing my stress levels and sleeping at night, something I had not been able to do for a long time.The Silva Method helps me think with a much greater degree of clarity and focus, thus helping me to solve any problem I face with tremendous results. I would recommend this programme to anybody.

Ger Company Director, co Clare
Silva Method testimonial

Getting Well Again - This best selling classic by cancer specialist O. Carl Simonton, M.D., profiles the typical "cancer personality", and gives step-by-step guidance to help you speed your recovery by using visualization and imagination at the alpha level. Dr. Simonton studied with Jose Silva and in his keynote address at the Silva Method International Convention he said, "I would say that (the Silva Method) is the most powerful single tool that I have to offer the patient."

Dr. O. Carl Simonton Research Pioneer in imagery therapy for cancer"
Silva Method testimonial

I went for a top up in the teeth of my last exam and fellow students thought I was mad as I needed all my spare time for studying. During the exam, the minute something wouldn't come into my head I used my Three Fingers Technique which is one of the Silva techniques which has never let me down.

Anna Allan 70 year old graduate in M. Lit feminist at NUIT Galway
Yoga testimonial

I wish to thank you for your wonderful yoga sessions. I love them mentally, physically and spiritually. I had an incident last week where I got locked into my sitting room and needed to get out of my fairly small window. So at first I was apprehensive and said I will just try and see how I go, and to my surprise without any difficulty I maneuvered my way out. I remember at the time consciously relaxing and breathing into the stretch and really checking that my body was comfortable and under no strain. I was so impressed with my own flexibility. I came out through the window in only moments. With no tension on my body anywhere. I was elated with my new flexibility and body awareness, Not bad I thought for my 50 years young!! With much gratitude for your time and teaching Claire.

Alice Balachandran Louise Hay Trainer, Student Neenagh
Yoga testimonial

I started yoga with Claire about four years ago. As a result I have found my body is more flexible, my posture and balance has improved and the beauty is that it can be done by all, young or old… I am now over 80…

Kathleen B Student, Furbo, co Galway

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